Diario de un joven adicto a todo de Bill Clegg
Bill Clegg’s Portrait of an addict as a young man
Solo puede calificarse con adjetivos como "durísimo, estremecedor, real…".
Es la novela de Bill Clegg, "Retrato de un joven adicto a todo", en la que un exitoso agente literario narra, literalmente en primera persona, y en realista presente de indicativo, la época de su vida dominada por una intensa adicción a diversas drogas.
De forma completamente despiadada consigo mismo, Clegg nos introduce en su caída de gracia y nos lleva consigo a las mayores simas de la suciedad, la tristeza y el desprecio por uno mismo.
Un cuento cautelar, pues, como lo son todas las historias que narran decadencias y muertes, que Bill difunde para hallar la paz consigo mismo y para que otros no sigan su camino: el tampoco pretendía caer tan bajo.
It can only be described with terms such as "tough, nerve-chilliing, real"…
It's Bill Clegg's latest novel 'Portrait of the addict as a young man" in which himself, a sucessful literary agent, narrates in literal first person, and in a realistic present tense, the time of his life in which he was subdued by an intense addiction to several hard drugs.
In a ruthless way, Clegg takes us to that fall from grace, dragging us with him to the deepest abyss of dirt, sadness and self disdain.
A cautinary tale it is, then, as every story which talks of decadence and death, which Bill has chosen to tell to be at peace with himself and to let others not follow his trail: he did not want to fall so low either.